

IDIOMS: And Bob’s your uncle!

Have you ever thought about how strangely some of the English idioms may sound to non-native speakers? Here’s a great example!

And Bob’s your uncle!” is a phrase used to conclude something, usually a set of instructions. Non natives would perhaps use a non-idiomatic expressions like “and it’s done” or “and there you have it”. This phrase is most commonly used in Ireland and the United Kingdom, where it probably originates. It is believed that this idiom was firstly used in 1880s when the British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, whose first name was Robert (or Bob if you will) appointed his nephew to several political posts. “And Bob’s your uncle” therefore means that a success is guaranteed or that something can be achieved easily.

Examples of use in a sentence:

  • You add two cups of vegetable broth, heat it for ten minutes and Bob’s your uncle, the soup is ready!
  • Go straight ahead until you reach the arena, turn right, and Bob’s your uncle, you’re there!