

Strived or Strove

It has both an irregular and regular form. You can use both and both are correct. Strived or Strove? The past participle is more complicated. Striven is the traditional form, but strived has gained ground and is now more common. So, for example, I have striven five years is the traditional construction, but I have strived five years is acceptable to modern English […]

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IDIOMS: Under the weather

If someone feels under the weather, they feel ill or slightly unwell. The origin of this particular phrase might have something to do with sailing. In the 1900s, when a sailor was feeling sick on a boat during a storm or some other severe weather conditions, he was usually sent below deck so he could […]

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IDIOMS: And Bob’s your uncle!

Have you ever thought about how strangely some of the English idioms may sound to non-native speakers? Here’s a great example! “And Bob’s your uncle!” is a phrase used to conclude something, usually a set of instructions. Non natives would perhaps use a non-idiomatic expressions like “and it’s done” or “and there you have it”. […]

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