Here are the most used English words from the category of geography.
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Other very used words from the category: geography
Africa | map | tributary |
analemma | street map | equator |
Antarctica | scale | river |
Asia | city | north |
atlas | miles | North America |
Australia | sea | North Pole |
azimuth | altitude | northeast |
Europe | elevation | northwest |
geographic coordinates | nation | road atlas |
global | prime meridian | world |
GPS | area | title |
sea level | Tropic of Capricorn | topography |
capital | Tropic of Cancer | territory |
mountain | ocean | peak |
border | island | contour line |
southeast | parallel | east |
southwest | mountain range | west |
south | pole | country |
South America | Arctic Circle | Earth |
South Pol | meridian | globe |
kilometers | political map | geography |
continent | hemisphere | longitude |
region | ratio | latitude |
magnetic pole | antipodes |